when it rains, ………

I have been away from this page like ages. It is not in my character but the events I have been involved in since the last week in December made it so. I have been kicked upstairs with more responsibilities at work. In addition my phone first started misbehaving and some time after my dependable … Continue reading when it rains, ………

hidden truths 9

The next morning Banji explained that before showing himself at his office, he needs to go to Republic of Benin. So they went to the D’Almeilda’s and Taye decided to take them to the Republic of Benin after Banji’s explanation that the person who saved him and sent him to London had been a Beninoise. … Continue reading hidden truths 9

hidden truths 8

The girl moved out of the room still confused as Banji enters slightly limping. Banke ran out of the bed and hugged her husband. Minus his limping he is now a bit more radiant and fresh. One could see the effect of his just being out of the hospital on him. When he saw his … Continue reading hidden truths 8

hidden truths 7

Husband and wife looked at each other.They looked at Banke together their eyes greatly questioning her.Their wonder, amazement and disbelief were clearly written on their face.They seemed to signal to themselves that something must be done. Something had to be done, it is getting worse. She has totally lost her senses.Dr. (Mrs) D’Almeilda moved towards … Continue reading hidden truths 7

hidden truths 6

  All these thoughts and questions raced through her mind. Then she decided not to turn her back. She laid back gently and without any sign of agitation, she calmly asked from the now surprised Doctor. “Who are you? What is your name?” The Doctor, trying to calm her in order to treat her decided … Continue reading hidden truths 6

hidden truths 5

The cry of the baby brought memories to her. She saw her inadequacy. During the first year of their marriage, they both decided not to have any child.They wanted time to understand and love themselves fully before a child comes. They were so much in love, and they feared rightly that a child might come … Continue reading hidden truths 5

hidden truths 4

When she reached home, Banke opened the letter. She saw just a small note:               Sorry you are reading this.The truth will be known about my condition later. Just be                               assured nobody killed me. … Continue reading hidden truths 4

hidden truths 2

They were alone, unhurried because they’d made arrangements to sleep at the convenient guesthouse in Ikom almost kilometres away. As the big orange ball glowed with its last power they kissed. It was then that Banji’s eye strayed to the edge of the waterfall. He saw a bird, which was a cross between a peacock … Continue reading hidden truths 2