
“Man is the only creature who refuses to be what he is.” ― Albert Camus “I think God, in creating man, somewhat overestimated his ability.” ― Oscar Wilde “Man only likes to count his troubles; he doesn't calculate his happiness.” ― Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Notes from Underground, White Nights, The Dream of a Ridiculous Man, and … Continue reading man

Connected Souls

If we look around us, we will see that every thing is interconnected and it is this interconnectedness that bring variety into the world and our lives. The creator of this world did not create it in monochrome. So all efforts to recreate the world in a single hue is bound to fail. Without the rains, the sun loses its power. Without YOU, I am nothing.

Poet's Corner

This is a rewrite of a poem that is titled, World of Connected Souls, first published in my second book, My Angel, My Muse.


“Come away with me,”
I said.
Your shoulders slumped,
you turned your head.
Like a reluctant witness.
“Come away,
anywhere with you will be home.”
No more days alone.
Wondering where you went, how far.

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the rock and the waves (ii)

“Is only one difference between the race of human life and the waves of the ocean, the ocean is never tired.” ― Tanmaya Guru “To be the thing you see, stop thinking! To be wild waves, you must quit thinking, you must leave all the thoughts before the wild waves!” ― Mehmet Murat ildan “You … Continue reading the rock and the waves (ii)